Sunday, October 6, 2019

Texas Holdem For Fun And Profit!

Texas Holdem For Fun And Profit!
Do you play Texas Holdem for fun or for profit? This can make all the difference in how you play the game.
When you're playing for fun, you can relax and know that the conversation is going to be the highpoint of the game. Friends and neighbors can joke and tease one another and overlook all the little rules of the game that don't really affect their enjoyment. The pots are generally very modest so no one loses their house payment and yet success can mean a night out with the wife. When you're playing for money, though, tempers may flare, jealousy may surface and somebody may have too much beer to drink and become a lout. It's all in good fun, though and all this is forgiven when the game breaks up and everyone goes home.
You'll also come to the game with a set amount of "play money" and won't feel bad when you lose it to your best friend. After all, next weekend another game will start up and the chances are 50/50 that you'll win it all back, and more. These people also know you very well and your tells will be easier to pick up on. The same thing holds for them, too! Tells are the little gestures, expressions and reactions that you display unknowingly when in an anxious or excited state of mind. These are giveaways to anyone watching them and they can act more appropriately based on that information.
Hold 'Em for profit may mean playing an online game. This is like having a private wagering club in your computer. It runs 24 hours a day and there are always people there waiting to win or lose their money. You can often meet new people there and build online friendships. If you are particularly talented and learn quickly, you may find yourself on the road to success and bright lights. Chris Moneymaker began with online poker and progressed through the tournament to win a seat in the World Poker Tour and won! He was the first online player to ever do so, but certainly won't be the last.
Playing for profit is an entirely different matter. You must treat this as a career and the game as a business. Just as in any business, some decisions you make will prove more lucrative than others, but you will also need a core product that you can fall back on when the market shifts. Holdem is just the same. There will be combination's of players, the fall of the cards and strategies that play well against certain opponents, and reap considerable profit for you. The underlying profit center will be made by adhering to the odds. The other players are your competitors and the calm head prevails. It can take some of the fun out of the game, but running a profitable business definitely has its own rewards.